What are mild cognitive disorders?

  • Scientifically proven effective training

  • Certified and reimbursed health application

  • No waiting time - start your therapy when you want!

  • Check your brain health before it's too late - only 5-10% of patients get a timely diagnosis!


  • A mild cognitive disorder can be the result of an acquired or neurodegenerative cognitive impairment. Memory, attention, concentration, ability to learn and inhibit, as well as perception could be affected.

  • The number of diagnoses has almost quadrupled from 51,000 cases in 2009 to 198,000 in 2018 - yet mild cognitive disorders are only recognised in around one of ten patients[1].

  • The disorder could be counteracted through regular cognitive training, sufficient physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle.
An example
It's early in the morning and John is stressed. He actually has to go to work but is frantically running around the flat looking for his key. Once again, he has forgotten where he put it. When he finally finds it, he is already late for his first appointment.

He has also been making unusual mistakes at work recently. John is finding it more difficult than before to organise and plan his tasks well. When he reads something, he often has to reread whole paragraphs or pages because he can't concentrate properly. He also realises that when talking to customers, he often forgets their names and has to cover it up.

John decides to get help and goes to the GP. The healthcare professional diagnoses a mild cognitive disorder and prescribes John NeuroNation MED. This enables John to train his cognitive abilities and actively counteract his problems.
Risk factors
There is no single cause for mild cognitive disorders. In addition to older age, there are a number of medical reasons associated with the disorder. These include, among others:

  • High blood pressure [2]
  • Cerebrovascular diseases of the brain, e.g. after a stroke [3]
  • Chronic alcohol abuse [4]
  • Epilepsy [5]
  • Parkinson's disease [6]
  • Inflammatory diseases, e.g. multiple sclerosis or antibody-mediated and herpes simplex encephalitis [7, 10]
  • Craniocerebral trauma, e.g. concussion as a result of an accident [8]
  • Brain tumours and tumours of the nervous system [9]
  • Post- or long-Covid diseases [11]
In everyday life, the disorder usually manifests itself in memory or attention deficits: for example, appointments are not kept or things are misplaced.

Other typical signs can be:

  • Difficulties retaining texts read or the content of conversations correctly or at all
  • Problems remaining attentive and focused
  • Forgetting familiar names
  • Unusually frequent problems finding words
  • Perceptual disorders
  • Less frequently: movement disorders and disorders of the sense of smell

Unlike dementia, for example, there is little or no impairment of function in everyday activities. Without a change in lifestyle or treatment, a mild cognitive disorder can develop into a severe impairment of cognition and even convert to dementia in some cases, depending on the cause of the disorder[12].
There can be various causes of mild cognitive disorders. Treatment, therefore, also differs depending on the underlying clinical picture.

However, regular mental activity plays an important role alongside a healthy lifestyle and physical activity in addition to treating the underlying disease.

Based on the findings of the latest studies, NeuroNation MED offers an effective personalised application for cognitive training.
You can use this app at any time on your smartphone or tablet.

With the motivating exercises contained in the app, you can keep yourself mentally fit, counteract cognitive disorders, and stay up to date with your progress at all times.

The aggregated evidence for the positive effects of computerized cognitive training (CCT) led to a recommendation in the joint guidelines of the German Society for Neurology (DGN) and the Society for Neuropsychology (GNP) for the treatment of memory deficits in neurological diseases with CCT[14].

Regular cognitive exercises also play an important role in neurological rehabilitation in order to strengthen memory, attention, perception, and processing abilities after stroke or concussion and thus help people return to their lives [15].

You can find out how NeuroNation MED can be reimbursed by your health insurance company here:
Do you still have any questions?

Contact us at info@neuronation-med.de


[1] Zentralinstitut für die kassenärztliche Versorgung (2020) Verfügbar unter: https://www.zi.de/detailansicht/september-
(access on the 31.07.2023)

[2] Qin, J., He, Z., Wu, L., Wang, W., Lin, Q., Lin, Y., & Zheng, L. (2021). Prevalence of mild cognitive impairment in patients with hypertension: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hypertension research : official journal of the Japanese Society of Hypertension, 44(10), 1251–1260. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41440-021-00704-3

[3] Al-Qazzaz, N. K., Ali, S. H., Ahmad, S. A., Islam, S., & Mohamad, K. (2014). Cognitive impairment and memory dysfunction after a stroke diagnosis: a post-stroke memory assessment. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 10, 1677–1691. https://doi.org/10.2147/NDT.S67184

[4] Lao, Y., Hou, L., Li, J., Hui, X., Yan, P., & Yang, K. (2021). Association between alcohol intake, mild cognitive impairment and progression to dementia: a dose-response meta-analysis. Aging clinical and experimental research, 33(5), 1175–1185. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40520-020-01605-0

[5] Helmstaedter C. (2007). Cognitive outcome of status epilepticus in adults. Epilepsia, 48 Suppl 8, 85–90.

[6] Cammisuli, D. M., Cammisuli, S. M., Fusi, J., Franzoni, F., & Pruneti, C. (2019). Parkinson's Disease-Mild Cognitive Impairment (PD-MCI): A Useful Summary of Update Knowledge. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 11, 303. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2019.00303

[7] Meca-Lallana, V., Gascón-Giménez, F., Ginestal-López, R. C., Higueras, Y., Téllez-Lara, N., Carreres-Polo, J., Eichau-Madueño, S., Romero-Imbroda, J., Vidal-Jordana, Á., & Pérez-Miralles, F. (2021). Cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis: diagnosis and monitoring. Neurological sciences : official journal of the Italian Neurological Society and of the Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, 42(12), 5183–5193.

[8] LoBue, C., Denney, D., Hynan, L. S., Rossetti, H. C., Lacritz, L. H., Hart, J., Womack, K. B., Woon, F. L., & Cullum, C. M. (2016). Self-Reported Traumatic Brain Injury and Mild Cognitive Impairment: Increased Risk and Earlier Age of Diagnosis. Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD, 51(3), 727–736.

[9] Pendergrass, J. C., Targum, S. D., & Harrison, J. E. (2018). Cognitive Impairment Associated with Cancer: A Brief Review. Innovations in clinical neuroscience, 15(1-2), 36–44.

[10] Hahn, K., Schildmann, E. K., Baumeister, C., Seggern, I.v, & Schielke, E. (2012). Cognitive impairment after acute encephalitis: an ERP study. The International journal of neuroscience, 122(11), 630–636. https://doi.org/10.3109/00207454.2012.702819

[11] Cheetham, N.J., Penfold, R., Giunchiglia, V., Bowyer, V., Sudre, C. H., Canas, L. C., Deng, J., Murray, B., Kerfoot, E., Antonelli, M., Rjoob, K., Molteni, E., Österdahl, M. F., Harvey, N. R., Trender, W. R., Malim, M. H., Doores, K. J., Hellyer, P. J., Modat, M., Hammers, A., Ourselin, S., Duncan, E. L., Hampshire & A. Steves, C. J. (2023) The effects of COVID-19 on cognitive performance in a community-based cohort: a COVID symptom study biobank prospective cohort study. The Lancet.

[12] Ngandu, T., Lehtisalo, J., Solomon, A., Levälahti, E., Ahtiluoto, S., Antikainen, R., Bäckman, L., Hänninen, T., Jula, A., Laatikainen, T., Lindström, J., Mangialasche, F., Paajanen, T., Pajala, S., Peltonen, M., Rauramaa, R., Stigsdotter-Neely, A., Strandberg, T., Tuomilehto, J., Soininen, H., … Kivipelto, M. (2015). A 2 year multidomain intervention of diet, exercise, cognitive training, and vascular risk monitoring versus control to prevent cognitive decline in at-risk elderly people (FINGER): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet (London, England), 385(9984), 2255–2263.

[13] Lai, F. H., Pun, A. M., Wong, I. S. & Wong, K. K. (2022). Systematic review on computerized cognitive training (CCT) for older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimer´s & Dementia. https://doi.org/10.1002/alz.049294

[14] Commission Guidelines of the German Society of Neurology (DGN) and the Society of Neuropsychology (GNP) (2020). Diagnostics and therapy of memory disorders in neurological diseases. Version 3, available at:
Gedächtnisstörungen_2020-03.pdf (awmf.org)
(accessed on the 02.08.2023)

[15] German society for neurorehabilitation e.V. (DGNR) (2022). S2k-LL SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 und (Früh-) Rehabilitation. Version 3 (2. Update). Verfügbar unter: https://register.awmf.org/assets/guidelines/080-
(access on the 31.07.2023)